Boush - The Tinker
Range: 500 | Move Speed: 305
Primary: INT
Str: 17 + 2 | Agi: 13 + 1.2 | Int: 27 + 2.2
Damage: 49 - 55 | HP: 473 | Mana: 351
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 1.09
Attack Speed: 0.66 | Armor: 4Laser (E)
Fires an intense beam of light at a target, dealing damage and blinding all in the area for 9 seconds. Deals precise damage.
Level 1 - 80 damage, 10% miss.
Level 2 - 160 damage, 15% miss.
Level 3 - 240 damage, 20% miss.
Level 4 - 320 damage, 25% miss.
• Damage type: pure
• Although only the main target will be damaged, the blind effect is applied in an AoE around the target.
• The damage is dealt immediately while the miss effect is delayed until the projectile hits.
Mana Cost: 95/120/145/170
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Comment: for the last shot.. you may need this for one-on-one purposes..Heat Seeking Missile (T)
The Tinker fires a rocket at the nearest visible enemy hero. Range of 2500.
Level 1 - 100 damage.
Level 2 - 175 damage.
Level 3 - 250 damage, 2 targets.
Level 4 - 325 damage, 2 targets.
• Does not hit ethereal units (such as targets of Pugna's Decrepify or heroes who use a Ghost Scepter).
Mana Cost: 120/140/160/180
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Comment: a good way to make your opponent return to their base regularly or use up lots of pots.. and a good back-up for allies..March of the Machines (C)
Calls in hordes of robotic goblins to destroy your enemies.
Level 1 - 16 damage/goblin.
Level 2 - 24 damage/goblin.
Level 3 - 32 damage/goblin.
Level 4 - 40 damage/goblin.
Mana Cost: 145/150/165/190
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Comment: an essential for pushing..Rearm (R)
Instantly reloads the Tinker`s weapons.
Level 1 - 3 seconds to rearm.
Level 2 - 2 seconds to rearm.
Level 3 - 1 second to rearm.
• Rearm works on all items except Black King Bar, Arcane Ring, Helm of the Dominator, Hand of Midas, Refresher Orb, and Necronomicon.
• This spell uses mana when cast, but will not refresh abilities until finished casting. This means interrupting Rearm while it is casting will waste mana but have no effect on ability cooldowns.
Mana Cost: 150/250/350
Cooldown: 0
Comment: for refreshing your skills.. Skill Build:
1. Heat Seeking Missile
2. March of the Machines
3. Heat Seeking Missile
4. March of the Machines
5. Heat Seeking Missile
6. March of the Machines
7. Heat Seeking Missile
8. March of the Machines
9. Stats
10. Rearm
11. Rearm
12. Laser
13. Laser
14. Laser
15. Laser
16. Rearm
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. StatsItem Build :
1. Boots of Travel (2700)
95 Movement Speed
Active: Teleport
Teleports you to an allied non-hero unit or building. 3 seconds casting time. 75 manacost. 60 seconds cooldown. Shares cooldown with Scroll of Town Portal.
Note: Movement speed bonus doesn't stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, or Boots of Speed.
Boots of Speed + Boots of Travel Recipe Scroll2. Ring of Basilius (500)
6 Damage
Passive: Mana Aura
0.65 Mana Regeneration. 900 AoE
Passive: Armor Aura
3 armor. 900 AoE. Doesn't stack with armor auras from Assault Cuirass, Ring of Basilius, or Vladmir's Offering.
Note: Clicking the item will toggle whether Armor Aura affects heroes and units, or just heroes. Can be disassembled.
Ring of Protection + Sobi Mask3. Linken`s Sphere (5175)
6 HP Regeneration
150% Mana Regeneration
15 All Attributes
Blocks most targeted spells once every 20 seconds
Perseverance + Ultimate Orb + Linken`s Sphere Recipe Scroll4.Dagon (2750)
12/14/16/18/20 Intelligence
3 All Atributes
9 Damage
Active: Energy Burst
Deals 400/500/600/700/800 damage to a target unit. 180/160/140/120/100 manacost. 40/36/32/28/24 seconds cooldown. 600/650/700/750/800 cast range.
Note: Buy recipe to upgrade (5 levels).
Blades of Attack + Staff of Wizardry + Dagon Recipe Scroll5. Soul Booster (3300)
450 HP
400 Mana
1 HP Regeneration
10% Mana Regeneration
Energy Booster + Point Booster + Vitality Booster6. Black King Bar (3900)
10 Strength
24 Damage
Active: Avatar
Gives magic immunity. Duration and cooldown decrease each time it is used. Lasts 10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds. 80/75/70/65/60/55 seconds cooldown.
Ogre Axe + Mithril Hammer + Black King Bar Recipe Scroll7. Animal Courier (170)
Active: Summon Animal Courier
Creates an Animal Courier to carry items. 5 manacost.
Note: 1 charge.
Early Game:
at the start of the game, you need to level up fast.. so, you don't want your opponents harassing you (since tinker is also an easy prey)..
ITEMS: start of with a ring of basilus.. then if your gold would allow you, try purchasing perseverance and then the soul booster..
SKILLS: start upping that heat seeking missiles first.. then the march of the machines..
STRAT: harass your opponents from afar using your missiles.. this way your opponent would constantly back-down and it would be hard hor him to level up.. then use the march of the machine wisely.. this is good for defensive purposes and annoying your opponents..
stay close to your tower.. watch out for those cheap shots..
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