Ezalor - The Keeper of the Light
Range: 600 | Move Speed: 315
Primary: INT
Str: 16 + 1.8 | Agi: 15 + 1.6 | Int: 22 + 2.8
Damage: 38 – 54 | HP: 454 | Mana: 286
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.89
Attack Speed: 0.68 | Armor: 1Illuminate (T)
Channels a ball of positive energy, letting it build up 100 damage per second. When released, it damages all enemies in a line. The distance also improves with channeling time.
Level 1 - Channels up to 200 damage and 800 range.
Level 2 - Channels up to 300 damage and 800 range.
Level 3 - Channels up to 400 damage and 800 range.
Level 4 - Channels up to 500 damage and 800 range.
• Damage type: magical
• Illuminate gives increasing vision of the target area as it is channeled.
• Can damage Meat Wagons and Glaive Throwers.
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Comment: this is a cool skill to start harassing your opponent if they are not careful or if you know how to use its range..Mana Leak (E)
Weakens the bond between the physical and magical essences of an enemy. The magical and physical essences will be divided if the target moves, causing the enemy to lose some of their mana. If the enemy loses all of its mana, it will be paralyzed while the bond is repaired.
Level 1 - Lasts 5 seconds, Drains 3.5% of max mana per 100 units the target moves. If the mana pool of the target is depleted, slows by 60% for 2 seconds
Level 2 - Lasts 6 seconds, Drains 4% of max mana per 100 units the target moves. If the mana pool of the target is depleted, slows by 60% for 2 seconds
Level 3 - Lasts 7 seconds, Drains 4.5% of max mana per 100 units the target moves. If the mana pool of the target is depleted, slows by 60% for 2 seconds
Level 4 - Lasts 8 seconds, Drains 5% of max mana per 100 units the target moves. If the mana pool of the target is depleted, slows by 60% for 2 seconds
Mana Leak cast range (550/700/850/1000)
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Comment: want to drain your enemy's mana fast?Chakra Magic (C)
Channels chakras through a friendly unit, creating a surge of mana.
Level 1 - Restores 75 mana
Level 2 - Restores 150 mana
Level 3 - Restores 225 mana
Level 4 - Restores 300 mana
Mana Cost: 40/55/70/85
Cooldown: 19/18/17/16 seconds
Comment: restores your mana fast..Spirit Form (F)
Ezalor turns his body luminescent temporarily. His mastery of the light becomes so powerful that he can freely cast Illuminate without channeling, cast a brilliant light that blinds foes, and a teleport allies from anywhere to his side at light speed. Morphs into a new unit for 40 seconds.
Level 1 - N/A
Level 2 - N/A
Level 3 - N/A
Extra Spells :
Blinding Light (B)Description: Blinds nearby units, causing them to miss 80% of the time for 3/4/5 seconds.
Cooldown: 20Recall (R)
Description: Target an Allied Hero. Teleports the hero to your location after 5/4/3 seconds. If the target takes player based damage during this period, the ability is interrupted.
Cooldown: 40
Mana Cost: 100
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds
Comment: this is also a good skill to be used when you want to push on a blind side of your opponent..Skill Build :
1. Illuminate
2. Chakra Magic
3. Illuminate
4. Chakra Magic
5. Illuminate
6. Chakra Magic
7. Illuminate
8. Chakra Magic
9. Mana Leak
10. Mana Leak
11. Mana Leak
12. Mana Leak
13. Stats
14. Stats
15. Stats
16. Stats
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Ignis Fatuus
24. Ignis Fatuus
25. Ignis FatuusItem Build :
1. Mekansm (2306)
5 All Attributes
5 Armor
Passive: Mekansm Aura
3 HP regeneration. 500 AoE
Active: Heal
Heals 250 HP and gives +2 armor in 450 AoE. Armor bonus lasts 25 seconds. Doesn't affect units that have been healed by any Restore in the last 25 seconds. 150 manacost. 45 seconds cooldown.
Headdress of Rejuvenation + Netherezim Buckler + Mekansm Recipe Scroll
an essential for support2. Arcane Ring (1700)
4 Armor
300 Mana
Active: Replenish Mana
Restores 135 mana in a 600 AoE. 25 manacost. 30 seconds cooldown.
Ring of Protection + Energy Booster + Arcane Ring Scroll
another support item3. Ring of Basilius (500)
6 Damage
Passive: Mana Aura
0.65 Mana Regeneration. 900 AoE
Passive: Armor Aura
3 armor. 900 AoE. Doesn't stack with armor auras from Assault Cuirass, Ring of Basilius, or Vladmir's Offering.
Note: Clicking the item will toggle whether Armor Aura affects heroes and units, or just heroes. Can be disassembled.
Ring of Protection + Sobi Mask
either you get one for the team or have another player get one for the team.4. Radiance (5150)
60 Damage
Passive: Burn Damage
Deals 40 damage per second. 650 AoE.
Note: Clicking Radiance will toggle Burn Damage on and off.
Sacred Relic + Radiance Recipe Scroll
for farming and damage purposes5. Boots of Travel (2700)
95 Movement Speed
Active: Teleport
Teleports you to an allied non-hero unit or building. 3 seconds casting time. 75 manacost. 60 seconds cooldown. Shares cooldown with Scroll of Town Portal.
Note: Movement speed bonus doesn't stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, or Boots of Speed.
Boots of Speed + Boots of Travel Recipe Scroll
added movespeed and fleeing ability
Mana Cost: 506. Eye of Skadi (6150)
25 All Attributes
200 HP
150 Mana
Passive: Cold Attack
Causes attacks to slow the movement speed of the target by 30% and attack speed by 20%. Lasts 3 seconds if wielder is melee (2 seconds if ranged). Orb effect (if melee). Buff placer.
2x Ultimate Orb + Point Booster + Eye of Skadi Recipe Scroll
{optional} but i usually go for this item7. Animal Courier (200)
Active: Summon Animal Courier
Creates an Animal Courier to carry items. 5 manacost.
Note: 1 charge.
for faster and easier delivery of items
Early Game :
Ezalor is an easy prey for an easy kill so you need to be cautious and stay at a distance..
minimum golds or
You won't need any boots at the start of the game.. be a team player or a good cheap shooter..
SKILLS: up that illuminate and chakra magic first.. then the mana leak..
STRAT: start harassing your enemy and farming golds using illuminate.. use the illuminate - chakra magic combination.. of course you'll need more mana after using spells.
practice makes perfect..
tips for illuminate - always stay at the back of your creeps and keep your distance where your opponent can't see you cassting it..
illuminate level 3/4 - try to cast it 1 cm behind the Druid of the Talon/Necromancer.. that will be a safe place to cast it without anyone seeing you unless they come closer to you..
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