Purist Thunderwrath - The Omniknight
Range: 100 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: STR
Str: 20 + 2.65 | Agi: 15 + 1.75 | Int: 17 + 1.8
Damage: 51 – 61 | HP: 530 | Mana: 221
HP Regen: 0.85 | Mana Regen: 0.69
Attack Speed: 0.68 | Armor: 4Purification (R)
Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units within a 250 AOE.
Level 1 - Purifies 90 hit points.
Level 2 - Purifies 180 hit points.
Level 3 - Purifies 270 hit points.
Level 4 - Purifies 360 hit points.
Mana Cost: 100/ 120/ 140/ 160
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Comment: Your single most important skill. You can heal yourself or your ally as well as damage enemy units in an AoE of around 150. Think of a 360 HP life steal :)Repel (E)
Creates a powerful divine ward that blocks all magic from affecting a target unit.
Level 1 - Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 4 - Lasts 12 seconds.
• Repel removes most effects from the target when cast, including Guardian Angel.
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 15
Comment: No need for a BKB for your teammates once you maxed this skill. I intentionally selected this skill later because your opponents won't be using their special spells against you in early game..and if they do, this won't help much against early game nukers either. Purification is a better counter against nukers.Degen Aura (D)
Greatly degenerates the movement capabilities of units that stray too near.
Level 1 - Reduces movement speed by 7%.
Level 2 - Reduces movement speed by 14%.
Level 3 - Reduces movement speed by 21%.
Level 4 - Reduces movement speed by 28%.
• 300 AOE
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Comment: Another great skill, slows enemy units in a 360 AoE. With this, you can chase dying enemy heroes as well escape from gangbangs.Guardian Angel (G)
Grants all nearby friendly units near physical invulnerability and increases hit point regeneration greatly.
Level 1 - Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 7 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 9 seconds.
• Affects allies with magic immunity.
• Grants +1000 Armor and +25 hp/sec regeneration
Mana Cost: 125/ 175/ 250
Cooldown: 150
Comment: Self-explanatory :) Use this skill wisely.Skill Build :
1. Purification
2. Degen Aura
3. Purification
4. Degen Aura
5. Purification
6. Guardian Angel
7. Purification
8. Repel
9. Repel
10. Degen Aura
11. Guardian Angel
12. Degen Aura
13. Repel
14. Repel
15. Stats
16. Guardian Angel
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Stats
24. Stats
25. StatsItem Build :
1. Ring of Basilius (500)
6 Damage
Passive: Mana Aura
0.65 Mana Regeneration. 900 AoE
Passive: Armor Aura
3 armor. 900 AoE. Doesn't stack with armor auras from Assault Cuirass, Ring of Basilius, or Vladmir's Offering.
Note: Clicking the item will toggle whether Armor Aura affects heroes and units, or just heroes. Can be disassembled.
Ring of Protection + Sobi Mask2. Null Talisman (485)
6 Intelligence
3 Strength
3 Agility
Mantle of Intelligence + Circlet of Nobility + Null Talisman Recipe Scroll3. Lesser Clarity Potion (50)
Active: Regenerate Mana
Restores 100 mana over 30 seconds. Effect ends if affected unit takes damage. You can target an ally or yourself to receive the effect.
Note: Stacks with itself in inventory. 1 charge.4. Ring of Regeneration (350)
2 HP Regeneration5. Boots of Speed (500)
50 Movement Speed
Note: Movement speed bonus doesn't stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, or Boots of Speed.6. Sange (2200)
16 Strength
10 Damage
Passive: Lesser Maim
15% chance on attack to slow movement speed by 20% for 4 seconds. Orb effect.
Belt of Giant Strength + Ogre Axe + Sange Recipe Scroll7. Power Treads (1450)
60 Movement Speed
25 Attack Speed
10 Selected Attribute
Active: Switch Attribute
Switches the attribute that receives a bonus. From Strength to Intelligence, Intelligence to Agility, and Agility to Strength.
Note: Can only carry one. Movement speed bonus doesn't stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, or Boots of Speed.
Boots of Speed + Gloves of Haste + Boots of Elvenskin or Robe of the Magi or Belt of Giant Strength8. Yasha (2200)
16 Agility
15 Attack Speed
10% Movement Speed
Note: Movement speed bonus doesn't stack with Yasha, Sange and Yasha, or Manta Style.
Blade of Alacrity + Boots of Elvenskin + Yasha Recipe Scroll9. Sange&Yasha
10. Monkey King Bar (5400)
80 Damage
15 Attack Speed
Passive: True Strike
Prevents your attacks from missing (except due to exceeding Movement Buffer Range on melee units). Interferes with some attack modifiers on ranged units.
Passive: Mini-Bash
35% chance to bash on attacks. 100 bonus damage. Stuns for 0.01 seconds.
Note: Clicking the item will toggle True Strike on and off.
Demon Edge + 2x Javelins 11. Satanic (6150)
25 Strength
20 Damage
5 Armor
Passive: Lifesteal
25% lifesteal on attacks. Orb effect.
Active: Unholy Rage
Adds 175% lifesteal. Lasts 3.5 seconds. 35 seconds cooldown.
Helm of the Dominator + Messerschmidt's Reaver + Satanic Recipe Scroll
Early Game:
Lvl 1-6
In any order: ring of basillus & null talisman. then clarity potions, boots of speed.
The null talisman and ring of basillus (ang potions) will take care of spammers, harrasers. All you have to do is heal yourself. It will take care of your mana pool/regen requirements in the early game. That's the reason I didn't select the repel skill in the early game , the null + mana regen + purification will take care of nukers (As I have mentioned in the items section).
Farm fast, Omniknight has a relatively high base damage and is good for making last hits. Do not choose the middle lane.
When you are facing ranged heroes/nukers, stay behind your creeps and hold the alt button and make the last hit on dying creeps. Continue doing this until you have lvl 4 of purification. As for melee heroes, go straight to hitting enemy creeps while hold the alt button to watch for dying creeps.
If the melee hero tries to harras you, let him hit you 1-2 times to get your creeps' attention, and after that hit him back. He'll be losing a lot of HP more than you now and will try to run back to his tower. If you already have at least lvl 2 of degen aura, he won't be able to run far. You'll be able to kill him doing normal attacks, or you could outrun and go ahead of him a bit without hitting him, then use purification on yourself. First blood ;) If the melee hero you are facing has a disabling/stunning skill, most likely he will use it when you have a low HP. It is important for you to use purification at once when you have 1/2 of your HP left if your opponent does not run away(he is obviously planning to disable you).
Lvl 7 - 11
in specific order: sange, power treads, yasha, sange & yasha
Team Battle Support:
This is the part where most hero-killings start and teams start packing up the middle lane. Your support skills will be great greatly valued from this point on. In a team battle situation, hold the alt button to check your allies's HP, once you see one having less than half of his HP and being targeted by the enemy, heal him at once. Purification has a long casting range. Prioritize on allies in that kind of situation. Do not pay attention to those insisting on being healed especially during a team-battle unless they are in that situation. Tell them you are not a walking fountain of health and that you need to use your mana/spells wisely. Use your guardian angel to push through towers that have been damaged to half it's HP and also, in team battles. Do not use guardian angel at once when a team battle just begins...your opponents will only back off until the guardian angel wears off..it will be rendered useless. Use in the middle of the battle, when the enemy starts to think they can kill one of your team members. You will eventually become a natural at this if you frequently use omniknight in a game.
Farming/Escaping from ambushes:
Also, continue farming when your team isn't engaging in a team battle. Hit each enemy creeps 2-3 times until their HP is around half, then cast lvl 4 purification.
You won't have to worry about ambushes that much because omniknight's skills are perfect for survival during ambushes. your degen aura will slow down those who will chase you while you can render their stun/disabling spells with repel. You'd have a relatively high movespeed because of s&y and treads. By the time repel wears off, you'd be near your allies already. If not, prepare to use guardian angel (only in extreme situations).
During this period, you still don't have the items to go on solo hero hunting, as well as the enough level of repel. We will reserve that later on in mid-game. Stick to being a good support hero in the meanwhile :) Well, you can go against enemy spell casters going solo if you chose lvl 2 of repel instead of degen aura if you're really itching for a kill, but just be careful, use your brain ;)
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