Morphling - The Morphling
Range: 350 | Move Speed: 285
Primary: AGI
Str: 19 + 2 | Agi: 19 + 3 | Int: 17 + 1.5
Damage: 38-47 | HP: 511 | Mana: 221
HP Regen: 0.82 | Mana Regen: 0.69
Attack Speed: 0.70 | Armor: 3Waveform (W)
The Morphling dissolves into his components and surges forward, dealing damage to everything in his wake.
Level 1 - 100 damage.
Level 2 - 175 damage.
Level 3 - 250 damage.
Level 4 - 325 damage.
• Morphling becomes invulnerable when traveling in Waveform.
• You will not lose control of Morphling while he waveforms.
Mana Cost: 140/155/160/165
Cooldown: 11 seconds
Comment: Everyone need this skill for fast attack, escaping, and chasing. Focus on this one.Adaptive Strike (E)
Blasts a target with magical energy, dealing damage and disabling the target based on the Morphling's dominant attribute between Agility and Strength.
Level 1 - 0.25x - 0.75x Agility in damage and stuns the target 0.25 - 0.75 seconds and knocks back slightly.
Level 2 - 0.25x - 1.5x Agility in damage and stuns the target 0.25 - 1.5 seconds and knocks back slightly.
Level 3 - 0.25x - 2.25x Agility in damage and stuns the target 0.25 - 2.25 seconds and knocks back slightly.
Level 4 - 0.25x - 3.0x Agility in damage and stuns the target 0.25 - 3.0 seconds and knocks back slightly.
Damage type: magical
Casting Range: 600/700/800/900
Both damage and stun will occur.
If you have 50% more agility than strength, it deals the maximum of the damage and the minimum of the stun.
If you have 50% more strength than agility, it deals the maximum of the stun and the minimum of the damage.
Knocks the target back 100 - 300 units.
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 20
Comment: A good damage-push skill. Very powerful once you get Agility-increasing items.Morph (R)
The Morphling edits his physical being to fit the circumstances. He can, at will, lose some strength and gain agility, or vice versa. The process is reversible.
Level 1 - 2 points per second.
Level 2 - 4 points per second.
Level 3 - 6 points per second.
Level 4 - 8 points per second.
Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 1/1/0.75/0.5 seconds
Comment: Only useful if planning for high damage or high HP. Optional for my opinion.Replicate (D)
The Morphling has the unique ability to replicate any target friendly or enemy hero. Although it only deals 50% damage, the hero can morph into his replication, instantly taking its position.
Level 1 - Lasts 30 seconds. 700 cast range.
Level 2 - Lasts 45 seconds. 1100 cast range.
Level 3 - Lasts 60 seconds. 1500 cast range.
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Comment: You can use this well in weird situations when you are trying to go for the kill or helping your team. Place this skill in the mid-game.Skill Build :
1. Adaptive Strike
2. Waveform
3. Adaptive Strike
4. Waveform
5. Stats
6. Replicate
7. Waveform
8. Adaptive Strike
9. Stats
10. Morph
11. Replicate
12. Waveform
13. Adaptive Strike
14. Stats
15. Stats
16. Replicate
17. Stats
18. Stats
19. Stats
20. Stats
21. Stats
22. Stats
23. Morph
24. Morph
25. MorphItem Build:
1. Wraith Band (460)
6 Agility
3 Strength
3 Intelligence
Slippers of Agility + Circlet of Nobility + Wraith Band Recipe Scroll
Increases agility a bit. Get maximum of 2. 2. Null Talisman (485)
6 Intelligence
3 Strength
3 Agility
Mantle of Intelligence + Circlet of Nobility + Null Talisman Recipe Scroll
Good for bonus mana. Maximum of 2.3. Power Treads (1450)
60 Movement Speed
25 Attack Speed
10 Selected Attribute
Active: Switch Attribute
Switches the attribute that receives a bonus. From Strength to Intelligence, Intelligence to Agility, and Agility to Strength.
Note: Can only carry one. Movement speed bonus doesn't stack with Boots of Travel, Phase Boots, Power Treads, or Boots of Speed.
Boots of Speed + Gloves of Haste + Boots of Elvenskin or Robe of the Magi or Belt of Giant Strength
Speed is good for Morphling. Get this one!4. Headdress of Rejuvenation (603)
2 All Attributes
Passive: Regeneration Aura
3 HP regeneration. 500 AoE.
Ring of Regeneration + Ironwood Branch + Headdress of Rejuvenation Recipe Scroll5. Netherezim Buckler
6. Mekansm (2306)
5 All Attributes
5 Armor
Passive: Mekansm Aura
4 HP regeneration. 500 AoE
Active: Heal
Heals 250 HP and gives +2 armor in 750 AoE. Armor bonus lasts 25 seconds. Doesn't affect units that have been healed by any Restore in the last 25 seconds. 150 manacost. 45 seconds cooldown.
Headdress of Rejuvenation + Netherezim Buckler + Mekansm Recipe Scroll
Use this item when running out of HP. Great for escaping.7. Buriza-do Kyanon (5800)
81 Damage
Passive: Critical Strike
20% chance to deal 2.4x normal damage on an attack.
Crystalis + Demon Edge + Buriza-do Kyanon Recipe Scroll
Start of with Crystalys, then the Demon Edge. Cool Critical weapon.8. Ultimate Orb (2100)
10 All Attributes
Get 2 of these and sell the Wraith Band(s) and Null Talisman(s).9. Point Booster (1200)
200 HP
150 Mana10. Eye of Skadi (6300)
25 All Attributes
200 HP
150 Mana
Passive: Cold Attack
Causes attacks to slow the movement speed of the target by 30% and attack speed by 20%. Lasts 3 seconds if wielder is melee (2 seconds if ranged). Orb effect (if melee). Buff placer.
2x Ultimate Orb + Point Booster + Orb of Venom + Eye of Skadi Recipe Scroll
Buy this one for more speed and power, and also the Frost attack. Ulimate Item.11. Monkey King Bar (5400)
80 Damage
15 Attack Speed
Passive: True Strike
Prevents your attacks from missing (except due to exceeding Movement Buffer Range on melee units). Interferes with some attack modifiers on ranged units.
Passive: Mini-Bash
35% chance to bash on attacks. 100 bonus damage. Stuns for 0.01 seconds.
Note: Clicking the item will toggle True Strike on and off.
Demon Edge + 2x Javelins
I decided this is more convenient(critics!) but it's worth it! Has great speed bonus and damage as well.12. The Butterfly (6000)
30 Agility
30 Damage
30 Attack Speed
30% Evasion
Eaglehorn + Talisman of Evasion + Quarterstaff
Early Game:
When approaching the battlefield, make sure you have the Lesser clarity potions and Flasks of Sapphire water. Buy some Ring of Health/Ring of Regeneration for additional protection and if you have enough cash, get the Ring of Bassilus to maintain safety.
When fighting with the creeps, stay away from ranged units and casters. They might attack you or cast spells on you. Only use Waveform when a creep or two is/are about to die or when a hero is near you.
Go for the kill if:
- The HP of an enemy hero is less than 20%
- Make sure the enemy has lost most of its mana, then you can kill without any people to stop you, except for the towers.
- Glove of Haste - Power Threads
- Ultimate orb
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