Monday, September 7, 2009

Evening Tavern

Medusa - The Gorgon, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide Balanar - The Night Stalker, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide King Leoric - The Skeleton King, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide Lucifer - The Doom Bringer, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide
Anub'arak - The Nerubian Assassin, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide Slardar - The Slithereen Guard, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide Akasha - The Queen of Pain, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide Bone Clinkz - The Bone Fletcher, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide
Darkterror - The Faceless Void, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide N'aix - The Lifestealer, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide Viper - The Netherdrake, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide Razor - The Lightning Revenant, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and Guide

Hero Attributes
Medusa - The Gorgon, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideMedusa
The Gorgon

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)

Str: 14 +1.85
Agi: 20 +2.50
Int: 19 +1.85

Balanar - The Night Stalker, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideBalanar
The Night Stalker

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)
Str: 21 +2.80
Agi: 18 +2.25
Int: 14 +1.25

King Leoric - The Skeleton King, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideKing Leoric
The Skeleton King

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)
Str: 22 +2.90
Agi: 18 +1.70
Int: 13 +1.60

Lucifer - The Doom Bringer, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideLucifer
The Doom Bringer

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)
Str: 26 +3.20
Agi: 11 +0.90
Int: 16 +2.10

Anub'arak - The Nerubian Assassin, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideAnub'arak
The Nerubian Assassin

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)

Str: 18 +2.00
Agi: 19 +2.20
Int: 18 +2.10

Slardar - The Slithereen Guard, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideSlardarc
The Slithereen Guard

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)
Str: 21 +2.80
Agi: 17 +1.90
Int: 15 +1.50

Akasha - The Queen of Pain, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideAkasha
The Queen of Pain

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)
Str: 16 +1.70
Agi: 18 +2.00
Int: 19 +2.50

Bone Clinkz - The Bone Fletcher, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideBone Clinkz
The Bone Fletcher

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)

Str: 15 +1.60
Agi: 22 +3.00
Int: 16 +1.55

Darkterror - The Faceless Void, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideDarkterror
The Faceless Void

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)
Str: 17 +2.20
Agi: 21 +2.65
Int: 15 +1.50

Viper - The Netherdrake, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideViper
The Netherdrake

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)
Str: 17 +1.90
Agi: 21 +2.50
Int: 15 +1.80

Razor - The Lightning Revenant, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideRazor
The Lightning Revenant

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)
Str: 17 +1.90
Agi: 22 +2.50
Int: 14 +1.80

N'aix - The Lifestealer, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideN'aix
The Lifestealer

Tavern : Evening Tavern (scourge)
Str: 15 +1.40
Agi: 26 +4.05
Int: 15 +1.50


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