Sunday, September 6, 2009

Abaddon - The Lord of Avernus

Abaddon - The Lord of Avernus, Dota All Stars, Dota Maps, Dota AI, and GuideAbaddon
The Lord of Avernus

Tavern : Twilight Tavern (scourge)

A former paladin of great renown, Abaddon fell into darkness during the invasion of the Burning Legion, becoming possessed by many demons, corrupting both his soul and his powers. Equipped with a soul stealing sword given to him by the Lich King, he rides into battle against impossible odds, never stopping until he slays his intended target.

Whether he is enhanching his own fortitude with a shield of dark energy, or shrugging off damage as if it were nothing but a minor annoyance, the Lord of Avernus leads the armies of the Scourge ever onward, forever locked in combat with the forces of good, and his enemies who were once his greatest comrades.


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